When you put your house on the market, it is imperative that you and your agent take the time to properly stage your house. An inviting and clean home will sell much faster than a cluttered and dirty one. So in this week’s Real Estate Tip of the Week, we share 18 tips for styling and upgrading your home for the open market.
1. Boost your curb appeal by cleaning up the outside of your home
2. Welcome visitors with an inviting porch
3. Break out the rubber gloves and get your house sparkling clean
4. Remove all clutter from your house
5. Create a balance between clean and lived-in
6. Decorate/stage your dining room table to highlight what dinner could look like
7. Give your floors a thorough cleaning
8. Choose sophisticated neutral colors when painting the walls and decorating the rooms
9. Create a gender-neutral master bedroom so both male and females can envision living there
10. De-clutter and open closets to make them seem larger and more inviting
11. Clean up toys in children's rooms
12. Showcase extra rooms wisely to help buyers visualize the space
13. Entice people to explore the whole house with proper flow and style
14. Show how you can use the awkward areas of your home
15. Handle pet odors
16. Stage your outdoors space
17. Decorate based on the season
18. Most importantly, create a lifestyle people are looking to live
So while these staging tips will take some time to achieve, they are well worth doing if you wish to sell your home quickly and at your desired asking price. To learn more about each of these tips, visit the full article from houzz.com by clicking here.
*Picture from @the_real_houses_of_ig on Instagram