Do you feel the desire to make an impact or volunteer this holiday season? Well, we have the perfect idea for you. Located close to home, this weekend is one of Arlington's most renowned events, Wreaths Across America at Arlington National Cemetery.
This Saturday, December 17th, thousands of volunteers will come together for one special purpose, to carry on their mission to Remember, Honor and Teach. We cannot be more grateful for this opportunity to participate in these wreath-laying ceremonies and honor each veterans' life. It is a special time to come together as a community and remember each and every one of them. This is our way of saying thank you to all those who have served our country.
Wreaths Across America wants to remind volunteers that when they place the wreath, you may be the first person to visit that particular grave in years, so they hope you will take time to read the stone and honor the memory of that hero. Our theme for this year is to “#SayTheirNames.”
On Saturday at 9:30 AM, the Wreaths Across America Ceremony will begin. At 10:00 AM, the wreath-laying will begin across the cemetery. If you wish to be a part of this beautiful ceremony, please visit their website for more information.
*Photo from defense.gov